Monday, March 21, 2011

Hiking at Chickasaboque Park

Yesterday, Sunday March 20, 2011, we went hiking at Chickasaboque Park.  We decided since it was our first time out to take the "short" trail.  It is only three miles long.  I was hoping this would not aggravate the fibromyalgia- or my dragon as we fondly refer to it. (I guess I need to name my dragon.  But I don't know what name is fitting.  So I will be taking suggestions.)  I brought hubby, D and N and N's boyfriend, M.   Before we headed out for our adventure we bought snacks at the Dollar General- two bags of trail mix and a water bottle for each person. 
It is only due to my wonderful doctors that I feel I am able to go hiking.  A few months ago this would have not even been possible for me.  But we have, through medication, pain patches, and therapy, made this a possibility.  I have now, for three weeks, not called in late or sick.  This is a record for me and something I hope to continue to be able to do. 
I call bipolar and fibromyalgia the evil sisters.  They like to gang up on me.  When the fibro "flares" the bipolar kicks in too.  So not only am I in pain, I am also, usually, depressed.  Although I have also had times when I was in a severe flare and manic at the same time.  This is a bad combination because when I am manic I have a lot of excess "energy", my thoughts race and I REALLY, REALLY like to spend money.  I am slightly manic right now.  It is difficult for me to keep focused on anything.  However, I am still in the "happy" stage of mania.  Because of feeling better physically, I could really hurt myself.   So, I have to pace myself very carefully. 
Anyway, the hike was beautiful.  Spring has sprung and everything is blooming and growing.  I am doing marvelous today.  Back at work and enjoying the feeling of being productive. 

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